One of our most powerful tools against infection. United Helpers follows the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the NYS Department of Health (DOH) and the NYS Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD), and St. Lawrence County Public Health with regard to sanitation.
Today and every day. Sanitation and disinfection are important every day, but it’s even more critical when fighting a virus like COVID-19. Here are some of the steps we’re taking that you can also implement at home.

Implement simple cleaning and disinfecting measures to reduce the viability and transmission of the corona-virus. There are many studies being implemented at this time via epidemiologists that hone in on how long the virus can live on everyday surfaces such as stainless steel, plastic, fabrics (face masks), and so forth. We can each do our part by making sure we are keeping our working and home environments clean consistently.
Objects and areas to consider for routine cleaning:
- tables/desks
- doorknobs
- light switches
- handles
- toilets
- faucets
- sinks
- electronics (cell phones, one of the most contaminated objects)
- medication carts
- work/desk phones
- blood pressure cuffs, stethoscopes, pulse oximeters, thermometers
How to clean and disinfect
Electronics: This includes cell phones, touch screens, remotes, keyboards, computer mice, etc. Consider the use of alcohol-based wipes or sprays containing at least 70% alcohol to disinfect phones/touch screens. Dry surfaces thoroughly to avoid the pooling of liquids.
Hard/Non-Porous Surfaces: clean with detergent/soap/water prior to disinfection. Most EPA-approved agents can be used to disinfect, such as Lysol, Comet, Clorox and believe it or not, Windex! Additionally, bleach solutions can be used, such as preparing a solution with 5 tablespoons (1/3 cup) of bleach per gallon of water, or 4 tablespoons of bleach per quart of water.
Soft/Porous Surfaces: I.e., carpeted floors, rugs, drapes. Remove visible contamination if present, and clean with appropriate cleaners that are indicated for the specific material. After cleaning, launder the items as appropriate with the manufacturer’s instructions. Use the warmest appropriate water setting for the items, and dry completely.
Linens, Clothing, Laundered Items: WEAR DISPOSABLE GLOVES WHEN HANDLING LAUNDRY FROM AN INFECTED OR EXPOSED INDIVIDUAL! If no gloves are available, wash hands immediately after touching. Do not shake the dirty laundry. This will minimize the possibility of dispersing the virus through the air. Launder items per manufacturer’s recommendations, using the warmest appropriate water setting. Dry completely. Per the CDC, you CAN wash the clothing of an ill person with other people’s items. Clean and disinfect your clothes hampers.
Here is the link for EPA-approved disinfectants: