Plan For Powerful Giving
Strengthen and enhance United Helpers. In 2023, is your heart leading you to do something heroic and lasting for UH? This time in your life and world events may be telling you that now is your moment to plan your incredible impact, that special gift.
Contact Information
Name: United Helpers Development Office
Phone: (315) 714-3123

Unsure Of Where To Start?
A terrific place to start is with our recent webinar, “Later, For Sure”: Planning for Your Future and the Future of UH.” View it at any time!
Planned Giving
“Planned giving” means making a gift that involves a third party to help make your gift, and it’s usually a major gift of $25,000 or more. To do so, please work with your accountant, attorney, or certified financial planner. Thank you so very much from all of us at UH for the commitment that is evident in this type of gift.
When you notify us that you have set up a planned gift for UH, we will honor you as a member of “United Helpers for Tomorrow,” our exclusive legacy circle! It will be our great pleasure.
Designating Your Gift
Your UH gift plan designates the Society of the United Helpers as a beneficiary of your:
• Will/estate language for your will should read: “I give, devise and bequeath my said residuary estate to the SOCIETY OF THE UNITED HELPERS, located at 8101 NY-68, Ogdensburg, New York 13669, for its general purposes, absolutely and without restriction.
• life insurance policy
• charitable IRA rollover (if you are 72 or more)
• charitable remainder trust or charitable gift annuity, which often gives you income during your lifetime
• retirement savings account, such as a 401 (k) or 403(b)

As you can see, in some forms of planned giving, your UH gift comes to fruition after your passing. Other times, your planned gift also can benefit you during your lifetime. Your financial adviser can help you with making plans that are right for you.